Night Tide review
(MU)A classic of soft terror, romantic, delicate, sensitive ; therés a rational criminal confession at the end, but the fantasy is there, in dreams and facts...
The Girl and the Spider review
(MU) Delicate, multilayered, with great moments of montage secuence, in the limbo of a change of home, but too reiterative and frozen in narration...
Tempestad review
(MU) El relato de la mujer (nunca la vemos) de Tulum que cuenta su paso por la cárcel de Matamoros es muy bueno, aunque se independiza, casi enajena de las imágenes. El de la payasa de circo y su hija secuestrada muy distinto, no se complementa, pero es equivalente...
Winstanley review
(OK) Not only the historical theme is preciously rare (socialist comunity called 'diggers' in cromwelian era (XV century) ; the style, in austere b/w is bright in batle editing, almost nturalist and contemplative in open air....kind of 'Dreyer'...
De la terreur, mes soeurs! review
(MU) 4 transgender male to female, subversive, imaginative, call for references, queer trans point of distorted view, bizarre look on beauty canons...
Why Worry? (1923) review
(YT) One of the most Lloyd's absurd. He, apparently a sedentarian, idle, hipocondriac millionaire fights by accident and entir revolution in a latin republican island, just helped by a very funny giant. The gag og the brute man recollecting girls in orden to find Harold' one and then dismissing all, is a Keaton's running girls in reverse...
Songs for Drella review
(MU) Just songs, no talk between them, but everything about Warhol and John and Lou is in them, said in a 'cool' way. Lou doesn't even reget to have fought with dead Andy but is moving when says/sings that Valerie Solanas (the one who shot Andy) must've been dead , eye for an eye; and John says 'I hate you, Lou'....
Why Change Your Wife? review
(YT) So clearly narrated, that De Mille's patriarchal credo leaves no place to doubt. Swanson is as convincing as a snob repressive wife as a glamorous sexy submissive one. Frovolity is always sexy, fashionable and extremely good in design (the hotel with the swimming pool is excellent)...
White Zombie review
(YT) Pretty topic, copy, photography, Madge Bellamy walking zombi dressed in white in that castle...good production design...
While Paris Sleeps review
(OK) McLaglen and honet brute, kind of Jeal Val Jian to Helen Mack Cesette, in Hollywoods good for all Paris; Dwan goes for action, just a few dialogues...