Ghost of Love review
(OK) No possible loss with Risi, Romy and Marcello in Pavรญa. Haunted in a realist romantic drama, in a provincial closure; with a politica tone, a climax in a historic covered bridge, what else?
All Quiet on the Western Front review
(NX) Began and ends in war, subtlety (de)dramatized (its a german film!), you feel something siffeent as simple fear and exasperation, its a kind of alienation form home... Good beginning with tha recycling of uniforms...
Que ta joie demeure review
(MU) Just 1 hour of many characters at first happy then somber, around its factories and little towns. La 'joie' of having work and spce to talk and think...
Hail review
(MU) Rare characters (a lovable selfdestructive couple), specially him, agile in secuence shots as in Sanny's outburts...
Nana review
(MU) Naturalism focused on an infant, playing with and without mom, condemned to the minimalism of rural life...
Vic + Flo Saw a Bear review
(MU) Denis Cotรฉ is versatile and looks for style in his characters. Vic is an old woman that fears loneliness and founds adventure (and death) where se was boring. Flo is the femme fatale. Guillaume is the angel of parole; and the bad ones maket a strike of noir...
Another World review
(MU) Effective, good character Lindon, tense sustained verbal secuences, subtle progression, a private lige coming apart while executives discuss fundamentals...
Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn (2021) review
(MU) Seen a few days after being in Bucarest and is all about Rumania and pos revolution, pos horror, very funny, has a segment of visual and textual jokes, a hardcore beginning and various satyrical endings
Time to Love review
(MU) Welcome 1st Mubi restoration. Erksan tries to cope with european and latinamerican nouvelle vagues and succeeds. Each image is so stylized and convincing in spite a stupid and forced tragically story...
The Duke review
(Flight) Good real life story but too harsh chaotic style, that of Michell. The characters, Broadbent and son are not of this earth, while Mirren supports reality...