Come Drink with Me review
(OK) Great debut by KIng Hu pioneering the stylized fantastic traits of the genre, women and men warriors; a buffon warrior; cruel but not shocking attacks; maybe the characters are somehow square, with the esception of the male lead
Vortex review
(MU) Noe sometimes wise guy, here hits the nail woth the split screen, nos so split, there's justo two cameras following two characters and they cotinue with them and us even if they are close; great finale with two deadhs...Argento and Lberun impecable, they seem natural actors...
Dry Summer review
(MU) Turkish rural melodrama more aged than indian or egyptian equivalents. Here, goo men and women are terribly stupid in front of evil brother; but direction and confrontation of characters ae effective, sexual undertones too
Wild Guitar (1962) review
(MU) MMhhh, Stekler is as naif as lousy director, but beginning and ending are better than the stuff of new star against gangsters, bah. Musicla numbers are also louys but the last one, a beach scene preceding the boom of beach movies
Daisies review
(OK) If it weren't so repetitive, too thin plot for hour and a half, would be great. But there's a slight progression til the famous footing on the salad scene...
An American Tragedy (1931) review
(OK) Between the Dietrich cycle, Von Sternbern had this drama of modest, torned by ist social/climbing up compulsions; same style and elegance, greta sound atmospheres, in the factory, the lake, oh, great film...
Shark review
(OK) The poorest Fuller, in spite of good cast (Reynolds anticipate posmodern heroes, Pinal is ok, Kennedy is the best), lousy fights, long diving secuences with inverosimile shark attacks...
Shark review
(OK) The poorest Fuller, in spite of good cast (Reynolds anticipate posmodern heroes, Pinal is ok, Kennedy is the best), lousy fights, long diving secuences with inverosimile shark attacks...
Shark review
(OK) The poorest Fuller, in spite of good cast (Reynolds anticipate posmodern heroes, Pinal is ok, Kennedy is the best), lousy fights, long diving secuences with inverosimile shark attacks...
Jakub review
(MU) Czech doccumentary of a death man, controversial for his people, which enriches the survy on him, with social commentaries on war, identity, boundaries...