North West Mounted Police review
(Dvd) De Mille adds technicolor and finds that he needs special landscapes: Canada rocky background and the red jackets, and heroism almost lost for pleasure. Tjhe idea os responsability, treason (or desertion) and redemption is almost Hawksian...
The Struggle (1931) review
(OK) Modest talkie, last Griffith focused on the evil alcoholism that destroys life but not hope on men and women and family, a straight non star chant on resilience...
The Strong Man (1926) review
(OK) Chaplinesque in a sad way, some long pathetic and interesting gags on Langdon flu; then a blind girl staying blind till the end and a bizarre war prologue
A Summer's Tale review
(Mu) Rohmer's in summer vibrates. Just walking by the boardwalk, meeting someboy, there's always the possibilitu of a 'rayon vert'...
Strange Impersonation review
(Ok) One og the first small Mann's; this one well written and acted by Marshall ans specially fatlae Hillary Brooke. Some good shots with fire and its effect on Brenda's face...
The Strange Death of Adolf Hitler review
(OK) Great story, small film, too small. Ludwig Donath is convincinf hating his double of Hitler condition and sharing his rage with his captors; melodramtic ending is kind of bizarre...
Heaven Can Wait review
(OK) Full of charm, great cast, fluent naiveté; Beatty a complete author, running all the film through the big mansion, through ecological, social, rcich and poor topics...
The Ghost (1963) review
(OK) As good as 'L'orribile segreto...' , gothic red tale of menage a trois, femme fatale (Steele, always convincing), decirving husband who doesn't die, terror and polar
Letter from Paris review
(Mu) Raw documentary, in primitive video, no structure, no clisés on Paris, noisy working walking public huge city...
Summer of 85 review
(Mu) Ozon,as always, a good storyteller, good topics, but never goes deeper under the skin and the logic of characters. Here a story of 85 not enirely seen with the eyes of its era...