Decameron Nights review
(PA) A pity the bad copy; but there it is Bocaccio making its way in european Hollywood with straight Fregonese hands. The malice is in the plot, don't try to find it too obvious in the bodies, even in young Joan Collins. Dialogues are elegant. Good Godfrey Tearle in the 3 stories with a variant...
The Doll Squad (1973) review
(MU) Don't catch the vale of Ted Mikels, this is pire exploitation, with lousy effects and handsome girls leading the action...Maybe some pioneering in the 'angels of Charlie' stuff...
Best of Cinerama review
(MU) People of Cinerama made some arrangements to film entire secuences, some with a small plot, around great events that deserved -arrogant and innocente they were- ne inmortalized in its 3 screens procedure: the final of Aida in La Scala, a special day in St. Moritz, a show in Cypress Gardens, a train backwards in Darjeeling...
El dependiente review
(OK) Oh, Favio es tan seguro de sรญ y tan natural en su approach a lo que sea que haga (mayormente gente extraordinariamente arcaica que pasa por algo distinto) que resulta fluido y redondo. Prefiero a Vidarte, con sus matices e inseguridades, que Borges que no deja de parecer porteรฑa haciendo de pueblerina...
The Lion Has Seven Heads review
(MU) 3 stars just for Glauber's delirant travellings wiht collaborative people in Congo and characters shouting colonialist and anticolonialist texts...
Joyeux calvaire review
(MU) Arcand amuses himself pursuing his two homeless friends walking all over Montreal and recalling, in brief scenes their anecdotes and others...
Requiem for a Dream review
(MU) Aronofsky reaching his limits, his virtues and terrible deffects (in "The wrestler" is pure virtue). Here, with a good story misses to build more moving scenes....
The Cat's Meow review
(MU) Bogdy just happy playing with shaodws of silent stars. Chaplin is very weak but Kirsten Dunst as Marions Davis and Edward Herrman as Hearst, are something. Dialogues are as weak as Chaplin's character and actinG...
The Mother and the Whore review
(PA) So pos nouvelle vague wandering in parisian cafes, Leaud trying to be smart and funny and lovable and crude and impossible, Laffont improving in each scene till she almost steal the philosophy and even tells stories better than Leaud...
Unrest review
(MU) Rare in composition (long shots with people in a corner, almost cut), in recreation of history (anarchism in the industry of watches in sXIX Switzerland), in acting, in theme...