“Wise at his most happily pretentious. Jazz is perfect for the atmosphere (Belafonte performs a nice calypso-blues). Good timing, tension, the escape to the newyork hinterland, good false plantings (Ryan playing with the little afro girl before we know his racism), Belafonte tender touches. Shellye a” read more
“Very good story, the reverse migration, but poor edition and long flawless exposition with litle Gus in an small world you won't see again. Let's see what Disney or Pixar could do with it.” read more
“Eurowestern with a nice script (!Phillip Yordan¡) and a lousy spanish director trying to be comercially obedient and wise. Lollo seems to dominate them all in the paper but her character is poor.” read more
“Nanni in the middle between his autobiographical and his portraits of big characters at the edge. Here is brother of the 'regista', dealing with a impossible Hollywood character and the agonizing mother in dreams and reality.” read more
“The song in the beginning expresses the tender, playfull, enjoyable, mystic, franciscan naif, spirit of the film. Toto and Ninetto moving/dancing as sparrows is a must.” read more
“The real story in all its triumph enhances the film, if you're used to the uneasiness of french naturalistic movies on antisocial students. Ascaride is ok looking as a natural actress.” read more
“Austere Franju, unknown actors, but great story. Great hateful character, the intolerant priest. The middle part, sexuality and fatality, is a bit washed; but priest Huster in the town, praying when heirs fight over their dead aunt, or embracing the statue of the virgin are ok.” read more
“The complexity, too much elements, a huge scheme of emotions and feelings, characters that appear and dissapear, is too much. Narration is lost a little in the process” read more
“The complexity, too much elements, a huge scheme of emotions and feelings, characters that appear and dissapear, is too much. Narration is lost a little in the process.” read more
“The complexity, too much elements, a huge scheme of emotions and feelings, characters that appear and dissapear, is too much. Narration is lost a little in the process.” read more
“Robert E. Sherwood sharp dialogues are fit for Gable, Shearer is such a good misunderstood actress and, the meaningful ending (a problem with the play) loosens its charm.” read more
“Furious Walsh, Cagney understands him, Anne Francis sexy pussycat ( a pre Ann Margret) and straifht anti political stuff.” read more
“Vidor likes to film in nice swiss locations and helping Liz coming to age. But can't convince of passion between Liz and Gassman and father Calhern swallowing it.” read more
“The closest to a good british western, with a bigger than life evil character kind of redeemed in her love to Mason. Great Lockwood and big silly Rennie falling for her.” read more
“Nice Nelson in its honest limits. Good ol' Glenn in a moral friendly quest on Rod Taylor, guiden by Nancy Kwan.” read more
“Don't ask more from Tornatore. Love story with an unnatural clinch that is not mere romanticism. Irons is above age and limits, is always convincing. Kurylenko´s job is Tornatore's look at hOllywood. Borgo Ventoso (in a lake near Milano) is apalling.” read more
“Light Becker, but has is charm in Vernon's determination of being selflessly independent, in Gelin's romantic rudeness, in Servais bisexual savoir faire.” read more
“Masterpiece. When movies were so pure in dual emotions and in one of its pioneers reflections. Yes, it is square and silly when Peggy becomes Patricia Pepoire; but how energy, behind the scenes charm (the comic parade that intrudes in the drama is great)...” read more
“Still rediscovering Gordon Douglas an how he captured as an old man and in mainstream films, 60s spirit. Sinatra ok as always and charming Jill St. John helping him to be a rude sharp funny sex interruptus good guy.” read more
“Eleanor at her beautiest. Flynn a fine comedy actor impersonating Bogart in a scene. Well paced, but too foolish and naif most of the time.” read more
“Great Frankenheimer. Melodrama with a mood, a strange topic (¡parachutes for fun!), a big irony: the spectacular foreigners doesn't change the smalltowners lives, it is the other way. The middle of the film, the tense sexy night, !is so well narrated and edited!. Ant the better symbolic ejaculation” read more
“Another surprise from Duvivier. Fast paced, it creates its own mood in wich everything could ocuur in one day and one night. Miliza Korjus, ¿why you dissapeared from movies?” read more
“Taylor lousy republican and not so lousy actor in this idiotic ideologic plot of commies in England. Taylor forced to be childish half the film, intelligent the other half.” read more