“Ánuthing with Minnelli, Taylor and Burton has to be powerfull and elegant. Even this drama of naif beatnicks (Bronson a beatnick!!) and overconscious reverend Burton. He might well be continued in Huston's "Night of the iguana".” read more
“A rediscovery. Audacious but not scandalizing Aldrich on lesbian intrigue. Beryl is a great character and her swashbuckling dialogues with Coral Browne nad her colleagues are excellent. Aldrich is amused.” read more
“Villeneuve is way ahead of the tired screenplay about who is riogth who is wrong in the figth against narcos. Emily acts as an idiot. Never understands what is all about. But I like the 'personification' of Ciudad Juarez 'the beast', and Del Toro is ok.” read more
“A minor exercise and a major Berlin bear. When I see Panahi fightinng against iranian soft religious censorship with humor I remember cuban comedies of the 80s.” read more
“It's exasperating the never beginning event structure, where everything demmands Jobs' response as a father and human being.” read more
“Herzog doing desert torurism from Petra to Morocco. Not even episodic, just and accumation of Kidman doing the desert and chatting with people as T.E Lawrence.” read more
“Complete official account of Malala's political fighting; with intimate vision on her family. Ok for everybody including Malala herself.” read more
“Lloyd here is as romantic as Chaplin and Keaton sacrificing his small change for a girl. Then, the slapstick over stairs and stage. I like Helen Gilmore, the landlady.” read more
“Better than Nelson's overrated "Soldier blue". Sargent Travers is ok dying slowly, Bibi has a decent Hollywood debut, Garner has his moments, and Poitier too light.” read more
“Jazzy, classy, noirish, Melville collection of femmes fatales (and lousy actresses, but who cares) and one stupid french diplomat dead.” read more
“The cast and Clair's savoir faire, rescue the film from teh schematic plot, full of self conscious and predictable intrigue. Huston and Fitzerald are the best.” read more
“Great. Thriller, essay on assasination as a fascination. I love the encounter between Ogata and the old lady killer. Complete amorality is impossible, Iwao (great Ogata) has his affective and moving limits.” read more