Figaros Wรถlfe review
(OK) Rogowsky represses his sensuality and allows she andt the, 3 bastards, exert theirs in a ceiling that is a frontier, more forntier than the colour poor scenes...
The Virtuous Scoundrel review
(OK) When Guitry after the masterpiece "Le poison" and before the amusing farewell "Trois font la paire", hadn't to demostrate nothing, he introduces the story, Simon conducts it with his double humour and surprises and experiments with a violent, almost fantastic but realistically executed decision: take his brothers identity
The Wind review
(OK) Forget and forgive the stupid ending (could be happy but not so false) , Gish and Hanson fights against their feelings and against nature in such different ways, Sjostrom is as poetic as sober when he has to...
The Specials (2019) review
(MU) Toledano has made a specialty on handicapped and it works, easily, sans extremes, knowing and caring. Cassel and Kateb act comprehensively, sans histrionics...
Vassa review
(YT) Even with this materail rooted in heavy teathrical dialogues, Panfilov and his muse/wife Inna are great. First part has motion, that is lost when huge drama begins...
The Village Teacher review
(OK) Forget the lasta stalinist propaganda stuff, and there is 'my universities' Donskoi with his poetry of earth and little villages peopled by tender brutes...
Fay Grim review
(MU) Hal Hartley 'deconstrucys' the spy thriller wthout humour and with too many nonsense. In some crucuakl moments, uses simple stop motion! Parker Posey overacts and Goldblum underacts...
Mr. Klein (1976) review
(OK) More than a thriller,more than any other Losey, a great pursuit in the coldest way, a man going deep on his posibilities, so intirgued by whtay he could be used for, that the curiosity throws him to the train of death...
Encanto review
(Plane) Individualism and magic realism whimsically located in a colombian village, the violence is as fantasdtic as the magic and gifts of each character of familia Madrigal. The scheme is more Marvel than Disney (each hero a super power) but the feelings are so Disney...
Encanto review
(Plane) Individualism and magic realism whimsically located in a colombian village, the violence is as fantasdtic as the magic and gifts of each character of familia Madrigal. The scheme is more Marvel than Disney (each hero a super power) but the feelings are so Disney...