Dream Work review
(Mu) Not the first expriment using classic films (in style not because of its importance, in any film) as a basis, and succeeding on claiming interes on it; but it goes further in seeing the decompositios of optical film itself.
Wendy and Lucy review
(Mu) Reichart is here the Oregon's Dardenne, but she goes in other way, she is more interested in the story, the feeling, the bond between, yeah, a young woman and his abandoned dog (is the same dog Lucy of "Old Joy"!)...
Gosford Park review
(Mu) Altaman in "Downtown Abbey" mood and discovery. In fact, there´s Fellowes in the script. It seems illustrative, but is the kind of Altman character and rituals observation he likes to amuse with...
Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys review
(Mu) Strong in despite of being systematic experimental: secuence shots of some infinished stories, or resumed stories, some of them are a of a filming...Binoche is excellent in difficult scenes, as the one in the metro...
Belle review
(Alcazar) Forget the intro, forget the standard faces and stupid reiterative expressions for everything; forget the fanstastic story combining 'belle and bete', a world in internet, fights with dragons thar are friends, bullying and child abuse; there's a nice 'message', unveil your web false identity...
Cool Hand Luke review
(DVD) Luke/Newman says in a way to the prison guards, don't punish me, I'll punish myself and then I'll folly escpae no matter I knos you will catch me; and he suffers even for fun, eating 50 eggs and posing as Christ, and that awakens solidarity form other prisoners...
24 City (2008) review
(Mu) Dcomuentaris delight; each story each setting is wonderfully worked, as if doesn´t matter if its fiction or real. Ante generations of a city and of a country are interwoven...versatile Jia
The Recorder Exam review
(Mu) Sensitive girl with harsh but not bad parents, suffering enough for a flute exam, and passes it, and what else? Natural dramatization and un-dramatization...
Donnie Darko review
(Mu) A new lost Lynch, cult deserved little great film, so cute young Gyllenhal, so terrorific americana, a school that is a world itself...
Heat review
(Mu) Nos just the great actors, but the characters are so moving in his friendly meeting in the middle of confrontation. The rest is a tragic choir elongued with excellent action stuff...