Poison review
(OK) Te complete auteur, Sacha presents his cast, amueses himself with a great piece of cinicism depitcting social life and marriage and crime...with a strole of genius in the momento of the stroke of a knive in Michel Simonยดs wife
La Pointe Courte (1956) review
(OK) Bad nouvelle vague and good documentarism, all in one, even in the same scenes. The match of the ancient strange game in the 'venetina' canal, is so rare, that you expect a miracle as in "Viaggio a Italia", but wait, Agenes in her debut is too far from Rosellini
Poil de carotte review
(OK) The silent version is less pure than the 1932, but Mme Lepic is an excellent monster. I would've loved to stay more sequences with little 'Poil de carotte' in his solitude, before and after being bullied by mom and brothers
Forbidden Planet review
(OK) A rare gem of early space opera, wonderfull 'earthly' settings in space, good argument; poor cast for a great production, but Pidgeon is excellent
Pirosmani review
(OK) All the sadness of the world, the peculiar world of Tbilisi georgian taberns, itn the look of Pirosmani. While in life, just the curiosity of othar painters to shy to drink with him...
The Black Pirate review
(OK) A wonderfull choreography of swashbuckling, boat climbing with swords cutting the veils, and extreme violence of the pirates. The early less colured technicolor makes wonders here.
Western Union (1941) review
(OK) All the charm of an early technicolor western; with a tragic Scott, suffering in silence; a comic touch with rhe drunken indians ends in violence (Chil Wills is killed/crossd in the post)....
Pinocchio (1940) review
(YT) It has not the social poor backgrund of Collodi, but Gepetto is as humble and naif as Pinnochio is arroant in his tenderness. 'Pepe Grillo' is the real conscience in the pretty animation...
Pharaoh review
(OK) Just a few non Hollywood director could made such an spectacular film/enterprise with his local industry. Politics, religion and a bit of sex; all mixed and battled. Pretty composition, and camera movements over the sand and the stones...
Fear review
(OK) Intimist and suspensefull; Rossellini and the spectator are under Ingrrid's skin. We feel her and follow her and suspend our judgement waiting -RR is a chistian- for ilumination. It arrives