Thesis on a Homicide review

Solemne y demodé ese duelo de inteligencias, una criminal, otra criminalística, que funciona, pero suspendiendo la evolución de todo lo demás.Darín debiera dar su respaldo a proyectos más originales.

Love Is All You Need review

From rejection to happiness in Sorrento. The place and the pleasures provided by Brosnan´s card (and by a glossy production) are too sparkling to be sad when the romance of the boys ends.

Nebraska review

Payne presented yesterday the film in Lima´s festival. He said he has made a lot of changes since its Cannes screening. I like and forgive, in a sense, its voluntarily naif and tender approach to the main characters (the Grants) in constrast with the caricaturesque relatives and Ed Pegrem (Keach). This new maniqueism makes the film light but quite enjoyable.

White Witch Doctor review

It´s so effective¡ Echoes of 'African Queen' with darder than you think Hayward and softer than you think Mitchum, mediated by perverse Slezac and more civilized than you -oh, racist- think non contacted tribe.

Bésame mucho review

No le pongo cero porque no se como hacerlo. Una forzada, posada, ridícula y frívola encamada de Grisales con un indescriptible, amparada en subplots políticos y policiales intragables.

Satanás review

Tres historias que se distraen entre sí. La novela (me lo dijo la actriz Isabel Gaona)tenía hasta una historia más, pero debieron prescindir de esa estrcutura que resta tíempo de construcción al personaje de Damián Alcázar. El es lo mejor del film, bien en su pequeña historia de 'amor platónco a inicio de la masacre', con su alumna de inglés. Su frase "ahora comienza el fin del mundo" resume todo y deja pasar el cliché erótico del cura con su mujer sobre la mesa del comedor.

The Lonely Wife review

Ray takes long scenes to make us understand that the problem with Charu is not of oppresion but of freedom. She doesn't know how to cope with the ability to feel, to love another man, to write and to think. She feels all that becuase his husband neglects her as India neglects its people and teir journalistic enterprise.

Confessions of a Police Captain review

Damiani is a guilty pleasure for me. I forgive his sensationalism and comercial fatalism, but that wasn't so bad in 1971.Balsam is so cool walking stoically to his death, that you maybe forget what is he fighting against. What is clear is his class difference with Nero, that seems more important than the good and bad guys staff.

A Scandal in Paris review

¡A surprise! Sirk as stylized as Von Sternberg (Gene Lockhart stumbling with the birdcages in the hat store is a pure delight)and as fine comedian as Wilder or Leisen. Glory to the amoral Vidock, redeemed because of pure comfort, after a great match with Lockhart (besto fo the cast) and the Tamiroff gang. Two twisted femmes, the ingenue Hasso and the fatale Landis.

Hitler's Madman review

Hollywood finding a reason to have Sirk and Sirk finding a reason to stay in Hollywood. Despite the war effort trite screenplay, Sirk is genuinely dramatic in the suicide of the girl, and in the caracterization of the mayor (Stossel). Carradine is superb as Heydrich, whose desire to stay alive is beyond nazism.